Kiss Me Heroine Make Mascara Remover (5g)


- Kiss Me Heroine Make Mascara Remover is specially design for removing strong waterproof mascara.
- Comb shape design for easy application.
- Easy rise off mascara remover

Apply suitable amount from the root of eyelashes. Wait for 2-3 minutes. Use cotton to remove the liquid.

- 卷梳型設計, 容易緊貼著睫毛, 徹底除去難於清潔的睫毛液
- 容易清洗透明液, 不易滲入眼中
- 清除睫毛液專用

用適量的除睫毛液由睫毛塗至尾部. 等待2-3分鐘後以綿花抺淨。

Kiss Me Active Girl Full Long Mascara (6g)


With a combination of short and long delicate fibers, the Kiss Me Active Girl Full Long Mascara helps separate and lengthen the eyelashes. Waterproof mascara ensures a lasting makeup effect.
With extracts taken from chamomile and peach, the mascara nourishes your eyelashes at the same time. With long, volumised and curly eyelashes, your eyes look more attractive than before.

Apply slowly from the root of eyelashes. For better result, use eyelashes curler before applying mascara.



Kiss Me Active Girl Max Volume Mascara (6g)


Kiss Me Active Girl Max Volume Mascara is waterproof, not easy to wear off.

Brush from the root of eye lashes to the top. Repeat if a more volumized outcome is needed.



Kiss Me Skin Imitation Impact Powder (SPF30) (7g)

01 - Shiny
02 - Natural

Apply after the Kiss Me Skin Imitation Make Up Base, gives skin more natural and smooth looking.


- 防汗水及皮脂: 含耐水性聚合粒子,油脂吸收粉粒,能在肌膚表層形成薄膜,長時間維持輕如羽翼薄紗觸感。

- 凹凸補正粒子: 能散亂反射光線,修飾凹凸毛穴,輕薄細緻的填補修飾效果,清爽同時不會有厚重黏膩感。

- SPF30 PA++ : 防曬成份配合,一年四季防曬,不添加紫外線吸收劑,無香料合成色素,不傷害肌膚。

- 保養成份配合: 含玻尿酸及維他命E 保濕緊緻成份配合,修潤膚色使膚質變得光澤平滑細緻。

使用方法: 先以軟膏型的隔離霜以指腹輕輕按壓或敲打,將凹凸不平的毛孔填平,再以蜜粉修潤膚色,同時遮瑕,再以粉撲按壓全臉,使膚質變得光澤平滑細緻。

Kiss Me Skin Imitation Make Up Base (30g)


It covers up uneven skin tones, pores and blemishes, non-oily and make up stays longer. Excellent cover ups effect that makes your skin looks smooth and refreshing.

Non-oily, no artificial fragrance added.

Apply the base before foundation. Apply to areas where they need more cover ups.

- 防汗及皮脂: 含耐水性聚合粒子,油脂吸收粉粒,能在肌膚表面形成薄膜,修飾膚色同時達到不泛油光柔嫩膚色

- 凹凸補正粒子: 能散亂反射光線,分散毛孔凹凸,同時掩飾肌膚黯沉,並修飾出服貼均勻光滑的膚況。

- SPF22 PA++ : 防曬成份配合,一年四季防曬,不添加紫外線吸收劑,無香料色素,不傷害肌膚。

- 保養成份配合: 含 玻尿酸+金縷梅 保濕緊緻成份配合,改善粗糙膚況,保養同時並修潤膚色。

使用方法: 乳液後,以指腹輕輕按壓或敲打,將凹凸不平的毛孔填平即可。局部及全臉皆可使用。

Kiss Me Heroine Make Volume & Curl Mascara


Kiss Me Heroine Make Volume & Curl Mascara is long lasting super waterproof, such as tears, sweat, grease. Including curly polymer, long lasting keep eyelash curl. Mascara including tiny fiber, which can be increase volume of lashes, but would not stick lash together.

Apply slowly from the root of eyelashes. For better result, use eyelashes curler before applying mascara.


Kiss Me Heroine Make Liquid Eyeliner (4ml)


- Long lasting super waterproof, such as tears, sweat, grease.
- Long lasting colour, saving your time for making up again.
- Fast dry series, does not go on lash.

Apply on eyeline area. Close the cap and shake the product if the colour does not comes out.
Kiss Me 夢幻淚眼防水眼線筆

淚眼美人專用,防水又立體 ,小楷筆刷設計,初學者也能畫出炯炯有神的眼線 速乾型漆黑色調,眼睛輪廓立即清晰明顯。添加玻尿酸保濕成份,溫和不傷害肌膚,防水防汗,持久不暈染,立描繪出精緻娃娃公主眼線 。
